Our story began like this!
My first serious encounter with wine was when I was studying hospitality. I liked it, but I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, I have to be honest with you. My focus at the time was to climb and empower myself to move up the ladder in the hotel industry, and specializing would hinder that climb. My focus was on understanding the operational and logistical aspects of hospitality and catering.
Working in the restaurant industry isn't easy. You get invited to visit estates, it's a hassle! Estates with spectacular views and wines. I'm from Madeira, I know what spectacular views are. And those who have visited the Douro and its estates know too.
In recent years, it's been difficult to find good professionals in the hospitality industry. It was challenging to fill the Sommelier position where I worked. Since I already had some knowledge in the field, I was offered the position. As I mentioned before, although I liked wine, it wasn't my focus, but I ended up accepting on the condition that it would be temporary.
Meanwhile, I had to delve into the world of wines. I had to update my knowledge. I did some specializations, started attending more wine fairs, and here's the trap! I'm not a father, but when I am, I won't let my son go to wine fairs. It's a one-way street.
You taste an infinity of wines. One day just the whites, and the next day the reds, and sparkling wines to refresh the palate. And the story gets even more complicated. Believe it or not, the producers, besides the wines they have on display, many still have some things tucked away. I've had the opportunity to taste many iconic wines, but this one was unforgettable for me: a Moscatel de Setúbal over 100 years old. It was in a completely blue box, the box itself was a work of art, and it came with a gold-plated spoon. Yes, you're supposed to taste it with a spoon. It was over 100 years old!
As you can imagine, there was no turning back; I was already lost in the world of wines. Over time, the hotel career no longer appealed to me as it once did. To be honest, my mind was so focused on the world of wines that the hospitality flame was fading. I think it took me some time to realize that. And even longer to figure out what I was going to do.
One day, it all clicked. I'm going to keep doing the same thing: choosing the right wine for each person!
OUR MISSION is to bring you the best of Portugal, one bottle at a time. We want to share with you the story and heritage of our wines, guiding you on a journey through our diverse wine landscape. We're here to help you find the wine that will truly delight your palate.